Doctor Hogg

Doctor Hogg apple
History & Description

Doctor Hogg was first grown by Head Gardener Mr S. Ford of Leonardslee, near Horsham, as a seedling from the variety ‘Calville Blanc’. W. Paul & Son, Herts, introduced the variety about 1880, and it was awarded an RHS First Class Certificate in 1878.

The variety was named in honour of the Victorian pomologist Robert Hogg, who wrote in his guide to the fruits and fruit trees of Britain:

“….It melts perfectly, does not fall at all, is juicy, slightly acid, very rich and sugary with a pleasant aroma. It is a first rate baking apple.”

This variety produces a large apple with yellow skin that is flushed pale red with slight stripes and russet patches. The flesh is white, sweet with slight acidity. Apples can be picked in early September and stored until October.

Doctor Hogg is a moderately vigorous tree that grows upright.

Pollination Day: F9

Available rootstock
  • MM106 – semi-dwarfing rootstock 2 year old trees in a 14-liter container


Cost: £35 / tree

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